Discrete transistor computer
I've been working on designing and building a computer using discrete transistor components. This page has information about what I've planned so far, and the parts that I'm planning on building next.
The transistor being used is an N-channel 2N7000 transistor. For this type of transistor, conventional current flows from drain to source.
And the other main component is a 7.5 kΩ resistor
Here's a legend for the diagrams that will come later
NAND gate
We can make a NAND gate using two transistors and one resistor
XOR gate
An XOR gate can be made from five transistors and two resistors
Larger things
An adder can be formed by combining three NAND gates and two XOR gates
4-bit Adder
And multiple can be combined by connecting the carry outs to make a 4-bit adder